How to Rehydrate a Dried Sourdough Starter

So you’ve picked up a jar of dried sourdough starter from the Wren market table, or perhaps you’ve been gifted some from a friend. Rehydrating a dried sourdough starter is straightforward, but it takes a little time and patience. Here’s how to bring it back to life step by step. With diligence, you’ll soon be making sourdough bread of your own.

Day 1: Wake It Up

  1. Gather Ingredients and Tools

    • 5g dried sourdough starter

    • 15g lukewarm water (around 25–30°C, like warm bath water)

    • 15g unbleached all-purpose or bread flour

    • A small, clean jar

    • A spoon or spatula for mixing

  2. Rehydrate the Starter

    • Put the 5g of dried starter into your jar or bowl.

    • Add 15g of lukewarm water. Stir gently and rest until the dried bits soften and begin to break down, about 2-3 hours. Don’t worry if they don’t dissolve completely.

  3. Feed It

    • Add 15g of flour to the softened starter and water. Mix until smooth.

    • Cover loosely (a lid or plastic wrap works) and let it sit at room temperature (ideally 20–25°C) for 24 hours. Starter needs air to work, so dont cover too tightly or you may suffocate it.

Day 2: First Signs of Life

After 24 hours, you might see tiny bubbles or smell a slightly tangy scent. If not, don’t worry—it’s just waking up.

  1. Feed Again

    • To the jar, add:

      • 20g lukewarm water

      • 20g flour

    • Stir well, cover loosely, and let it sit for another 24 hours.

Day 3-5: Building Strength

Observe the Activity

  • By now, your starter should be showing bubbles and smelling pleasantly tangy. If not, keep feeding and be patient—it may need a couple more days.

  1. Continue Feeding Once a Day

    • Discard half of the starter (you’ll have about 30g now, so remove 15g).

    • Feed with:

      • 25g lukewarm water

      • 25g flour

    • Mix well, cover loosely, and leave it at room temperature. Repeat every 24 hours. A starter that is fed at the same time each day will be much healthier and easier to work with than a starter fed on an inconsistent schedule.

When Is It Ready?

Your starter is ready to bake when it reliably doubles in size within 6-8 hours of feeding, smells tangy and pleasant, and has plenty of bubbles. This usually happens by day 5 or 6.

Tips for Success

  • Temperature: If your home is cool, place the jar somewhere warmer, like near a radiator or in an oven with just the light on.

  • Flour Choice: Stick to unbleached flour for consistent results. Whole wheat or rye flour can help boost activity if your starter is sluggish.

  • Consistency: Feeding your starter at the same time every day is key to developing a healthy, active yeast culture. Over- and under-feeding both negatively affect sourdough starters.

  • Don’t Give Up: Sometimes starters take longer to wake up, especially in cooler environments. Keep feeding on a regular schedule and watch for gradual improvement. Happy Baking!